Advent reflections for the final week of Advent- preparing your heart ❤️ 

Reflections for the final week of Advent 

Preparing your heart  

Christmas will soon be here, and I am beginning to become excited. Last night we brought in our tree and put lights up outside the front and back of the house, which is something I’ve always wanted to do! We threaded the baubles for the tree, watched two Christmas films and I wrote most of my cards. All good, but not quite. 

As we begin this final week of waiting and preparing, I am reminded of a phrase I was once told,

Prepare your heart 

At the time I did not know what that meant, but I feel I am starting to now. When a large event is coming, we make necessary preparations. And yet if we do not prepare our heart for it, if we do not take the time to feel, to reflect, to experience the pull towards love; then the experience can fly by and we remain unchanged and a little disappointed. Throughout this week, I will be preparing my heart for Christmas by taking five minutes to have some quiet time each day and just appreciate what is going on around me. 

What is important to you at Christmas? How are you feeling about yourself? Can you forgive anyone? Where is there joy all around you?
These questions are helping me to prepare my heart for the wonderful celebration of Christmas, and I hope that they may be helpful to you too. As the year is coming to an end, now is the time to prepare your heart, now is the time to reflect, now is the time to hold loved ones close and cherish your joys. Now is the time of the heart.

Best Wishes for this week 