Reflections in the final week of Advent Hold  on to hope

Reflections in the final week of AdventHold on to hope 
Do you have hope?
A belief that things can get better, something to hold on to, an excited promise. Hope is a wonderful thing. Those who live in hope are full of joy and energy and gladness in their hearts, for they choose to live a life transformed. 

When we have hope it can change our current situation by reframing its parameters

Nothing lasts forever in our lives, the very best of times will end, but so will the worst. To embrace this truth can be a source of great personal power and hope. No matter how challenging the struggle one may go through, if one can endure and be hopeful in the knowledge of its temporariness, then it becomes a time illuminated as only temporary. 

You can endure anything if you know that it will not last forever. And as we approach Christmas, every illuminated beautiful house that you see is a sign of hope, a light in the darkness, proof that we can outshine and endure and choose to hope for more. There is nothing more beautiful for me driving home at night than seeing a house illuminated, lit up and brilliant with bright, glowing Christmas lights of all sorts of shapes and sizes. It is a powerful statement of joy and intent- great things are coming, the light outshines the dark.

So in your life may you be hopeful. If you are going through difficult times, keep going! It shall pass. If you are enjoying great times, fantastic! May they continue and come again soon. Remember that no winter lasts all year round and it is always sunny somewhere, even if only in your heart. 

Where there is life there is hope 

Where here is hope there is faith 

Where there is faith anything is possible  
Be hopeful today 

Advent reflections for the final week of Advent- preparing your heart ❤️ 

Reflections for the final week of Advent 

Preparing your heart  

Christmas will soon be here, and I am beginning to become excited. Last night we brought in our tree and put lights up outside the front and back of the house, which is something I’ve always wanted to do! We threaded the baubles for the tree, watched two Christmas films and I wrote most of my cards. All good, but not quite. 

As we begin this final week of waiting and preparing, I am reminded of a phrase I was once told,

Prepare your heart 

At the time I did not know what that meant, but I feel I am starting to now. When a large event is coming, we make necessary preparations. And yet if we do not prepare our heart for it, if we do not take the time to feel, to reflect, to experience the pull towards love; then the experience can fly by and we remain unchanged and a little disappointed. Throughout this week, I will be preparing my heart for Christmas by taking five minutes to have some quiet time each day and just appreciate what is going on around me. 

What is important to you at Christmas? How are you feeling about yourself? Can you forgive anyone? Where is there joy all around you?
These questions are helping me to prepare my heart for the wonderful celebration of Christmas, and I hope that they may be helpful to you too. As the year is coming to an end, now is the time to prepare your heart, now is the time to reflect, now is the time to hold loved ones close and cherish your joys. Now is the time of the heart.

Best Wishes for this week 

Reflections for Third Week of Advent- Gratitude 

Good morning to you. I hope that your time of Advent is going well.
I would like to open this Third Week of Advent by talking about a powerful force in my life and one that is very relevant at this time of year: gratitude.

A spirit of gratitude, of appreciation, of love for what you are and what you are so fortunate to have can transform your life. In these times where we have the Internet, fibre optic streaming, downloading and contactless paying, we have almost immediate access to things. And yet, without gratitude, even one’s family and friends, health and spirit can become just commodities- things to have and to do. This is not enough for us, we deserve more. 

Take the time to appreciate and be grateful for the person that you are. Be thankful for your faults and little bits you don’t like, for they are yours and help to make you…you! To be grateful for the ultimate gift you possess, yourself, is the best place to begin. I personally, take the time to ask myself this question every day,

What am I grateful for in my life?

Once I have asked that, so many answers flow into my mind- my life, health, family, friends, my house, living in peace, music, food etc. Once you look with eyes of gratitude, you can find examples of it everywhere. The world is constantly giving to us. We would be foolish to refuse it because there are bits we don’t like. Instead, if we can embrace all with gratitude and hope, then all become sources of happiness, potential growth and builders of our character. 

I am happy to be alive. I have the gift of myself to walk around with and enjoy. I have more than enough to survive and I get to live in peace. For that I am thankful. It is very important that we suspend all judgement when thinking of gratitude, especially towards ourselves. If we embrace our lives and all their bits and bobs with gratitude, then there is no need to place a comparison of our situation with someone else’s. Instead, we will see similarities and threads of solidarity which we can tie together to help each other.

So may we be grateful this week, for all that it will bring. And may you know that someone somewhere is feeling grateful that you are in their lives.


Advent reflections-Week 3

Advent reflections for the start of the third week of Advent

What are you waiting for in your life?

This question is a powerful one and for me it can help me to reflect on the deeper meaning and direction of my life. It also serves as a stimulus for further questions:

Am I waiting for good things?

Am I expecting bad things?

What am I doing to make things happen or am I just hoping that they will?

To live in hope is a wonderful thing. It is not passively waiting for things to get better by themselves. No, to live in hope is to pull your heart upwards and forwards towards a better life. It means you are open to better opportunities, increased health and vitality and you are not limiting yourself in your foresight. Christians await the coming of Jesus at Christmas as a powerful symbol of hope of God being close to them in the darkness of winter and throughout the coming year. Every year it serves as a reminder that by embracing the hope of a better future we can wait confidently for love to find a way.

I believe all people can embrace this great idea of waiting in hope and love in our daily lives. It simply means that no matter the situation or circumstance you find yourself in, you can know that it will not last forever and thus endure, be resilient and know that better things are coming. A perfect example of this is when it rains and the weather is gloomy and grey. Many people may be quick to say Oh it’s horrible this rain! And complain. However, we as hopeful people know that it is only a matter of time until it stops, it will stop, it has before and beautiful sunshine will come. You just have to be willing to wait for it. 

In my life I have found that being willing to wait for things has greatly increased my appreciation of the present moment. By feeling safe and happy that the future will bring both good things and give me the resilience to endure the bad, I am free to rest easy in the present. To enjoy it and be open to all it’s fantastic possibilities.

And so at the beginning of this Third Week of Advent may you rest easy in your heart, knowing that great things are coming to you. May you hold both the foresight for a great future and the awareness of today close in your heart. And may you be blessed, today and always. 
